Monday, September 7, 2009

Mary had a little lamb...

it's fleece is not as white as snow and he's rather hunch-backed but if you are interested in trying to recreate my Lambscapes lamb, you'll find the directions below. I apologize now for any errata as I was totally knitting on the fly and had to go back and try to figure out what I did. That's a lot harder than one would think. This is also the first time I have attempted to write a pattern so feel free to ask any questions or complain or whatever.

2 skeins Lion Brand Wool-Ease Thick & Quick or other super bulky yarn
1 skein Lion Brand Wool-Ease or other aran weight in similar color to bulky yarn
For Hooves:
1 skein Lion Brand Wool or other worsted weight in black or grey
US 6 (4.0 mm)
US 13 (9.0 mm)

Yarn Needle
Poly fiberfil
2 shank buttons for eyes
1 yd ribbon

Using the smaller needles and the lighter yarn doubled, CO 9 sts.
Row 1: K1(M1, k1) x8
Row 2 and all even rows unless otherwise stated: Purl (wrong side).
Row 3: K1(M1, k3, M1, k1) x4
Row 5: K1(M1, k5, M1, k1) x4
Row 7, 9, 11: Knit.
Row 12: P1 (M1, p7, M1, p1) x4
Row 13, 15, 17: Knit
Row 19: K1 (M1, k9, M1, k1) x4
Row 21: K1 (M1, k11, M1, k1) x4
Row 23: K1 (M1, k13, M1, k1) x4
Straight knitting for 8 rows and BO.

Using the smaller needles and the lighter yarn doubled, CO 3 sts.
Row 1: K1, M1, k1, M1, k1
Row 2: Purl
Row 3: K1, M1, k3, M1, k1
Row 4: Purl
Row 5: K1, M1, k5, M1, k1
Straight knitting until piece measures 6 in. or the length of the head. BO all sts, leaving a long tail to sew up the two seams so that the head resembles a bowl.

Ears(make 2):
Using larger needles and bulky yarn, CO 3 sts. Garter stitch for 9 rows. BO all sts, leaving 6” tail. Thread tail through middle stitches on the underside of the ear and pull slightly to make the ear curl. Whip-stitch ears to the head.

Using the larger needles and the bulky yarn, CO 60 sts. St st for 12 rows. Beginning of next two rows, BO 10 sts. There should be 40 sts remaining.
Knit straight for 6 in. At the end of the next two rows, CO 8 sts. St st for 12 rows. Beginning of next two rows, BO 10 sts (40 sts left).
Change to smaller needles and lighter yarn. Knit 1 row, purl one row.
Short rows:
Next row: K 25, turn.
Purl 10, turn.
Knit 15, turn.
Purl 20, turn.
Knit 25, turn.
Purl 30, turn.
Knit 35, turn.
Next row: Purl. Short rows completed.
Over the next row, evenly decrease 5 sts. Next row, purl. Repeat these two rows until 20 sts remain.
Knit straight for about 8 in. BO.

With larger needles and bulky yarn, CO 10sts.
Knit 8 rows of garter st. At beg of next 4 rows, decrease 1 st each row, while maintaining the garter st. BO the remaining sts, leaving a long tail to gather the sides of the tail, making the tail like a little upside-down bowl.

Hooves(Make 4):
Using smaller needles and the darker yarn doubled, CO 4 sts.
Row 1: K1, M1, k2, M1, k1
Purl all even rows(wrong side).
Row 3: K1, M1, k4, M1, k1
Row 5: Knit
Row 7: K1, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k1
Row 9: K1, k2tog twice, k1
Row 10: BO all but the last st, leaving the st on the needle.
CO 5 sts. You should have a total of 6 sts now on your needle. Knit straight until piece measures circumference of hoof base. BO all sts, leaving a long tail. Use the tail to sew up the seams. The hoof should resemble a little cup when all sewn up.

Note: the purl side of the lamb torso and legs is the outside to give it that “sheepy” texture. All other pieces have knit-side-out.
Sew up seams starting with hind legs. Attach hooves at same time and stuff as you go. Sew on the tail. Sew the head and ears to the torso, leaving a hole under the chin in which to continue stuffing. After the lamb is sufficiently stuffed, stich up the hole. Sew the eyes on using sewing thread. Using black yarn, embroider the nose. Use the ribbon to hide the neck seams.

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