Sunday, May 9, 2010


I got most of my container garden planted yesterday as well has got my first sunburn of the year. I don't mind the sunburn as it just proves that I did indeed get outside. Ran out of soil before I was done planting but that's ok, I was planning on using starts for my tomatoes anyway. Last week, at the farmer's market, I found a stall that has tomato starts and herb starts that looked a whole lot healthier than anything I saw at my local big store. Can't wait for Wednesday so that I can go back and get those starts.

Della, my dog, was out on the deck with me the whole time. I haven't been able to walk her like I should because of a stress fracture in my left foot, so I thought the time outside, even if it was only on the deck, would be good for her. She spent most of the time, standing in one spot, fixated on the squirrels. I kind of wish there was some way I could leave her out there all the time, protecting my garden. When I went out this morning to water, I found the squirrels had dug up some of my mesclun and there was a squirrel paw sized hole in one of my spinach planters! Maybe I need to invest in some netting?

For dinner last night, Spring Celebration soup - garlic, carrots, asparagus, spinach and white beans in a chicken and lemon broth served with toasted homemade whole wheat bread.YUM!

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