Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Apologies...

First, my apologies for my futzing with the layout and colours and backgrounds, etc. I have too much fun looking at all the possibilities. I think I may have finally settled upon one layout/design that I like and will keep. Hey, it's hard to decide on a design when they keep adding more and your subject matter keeps expanding. You try to find one layout that encompasses knitting, food, travel, thoughts on Christian spirituality, singing, riding the bus, my incoherent ramblings that I think someone, someday, might want to read.

Second, my apologies for not writing more often. I started this whole thing, mostly so I could post a knitting pattern. And, I thought, since everyone is writing blogs, I should also. I'm usually not the type to jump on the bandwagon. In fact, I'm usually early or late in my bandwagon jumping. I do something before it's popular or I join in just as everyone is jumping onto the next bandwagon. Now that I've jumped on to the bandwagon, I should really try to stay on instead of being bounced out every few months and running to catch up.

However, this is my year of Yes! (which I will explain in a future posting), so, I will take another stab at this whole blog thing. I may even let people know I'm writing a blog. That might boost my readership. Here's to happy blogging! Or at least, more timely blogging.

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