Saturday, October 5, 2013

Wasn't Once Enough?

Two years ago, I ran the Portland Marathon. Tomorrow, I'm doing it again.

My training has been different this time around. I started training earlier but I didn't train as hard. I didn't have Hood to Coast to train for this year (second year in a row of denied entry; they promised us guaranteed entry for next year) so I didn't run hills as much as I did the last time. However, I did focus a bit more on running downhill than I did last time as I remember how hard it was running down Greeley.

This year, as a mid-training test, I ran a half-marathon in Forest Grove. I did better than expected but that had unexpected results. If I was doing so well, I could cut back on training, right? I eased up on mid-week short runs but completed more of my weekend long runs, including a 20 mile run a few weeks ago. That run was both encouraging (I finished it) and discouraging (I didn't hit the pace I wanted to). But I did it; two years ago, the longest I had run was 15 miles.

I also had a week-long running break in September, just before my taper when I went on a cruise to Alaska. But I did do a lot of stairs on the ship. Up and down, 11th deck to 7th to 14th and back multiple times a day. Figured that should help a bit with the downhill as well, at least that's what I've been telling myself.

I'm not worried about tomorrow; I've completed a marathon before and I know I can finish. But I am worried about tomorrow because I was not where I wanted to be training-wise when I started my taper. Last time, my goal was to finish. This time, I want to beat my time from before. And, if I can cut 20 minutes off my marathon time, and keep that time or better in my future marathons, when I'm 80, I'll qualify for the Boston.

Once wasn't enough and I'm already thinking long-term.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Once wasn't enough and I'm already thinking long term."

Perhaps this is part of why we're friends! I do this with just about everything, and I think it's fun to dream. It would be AMAZING to see an 80 year old you owning the Boston Marathon!! I would travel to cheer you on, my friend.

I'm tied up tomorrow so I can't come cheer for you, but I'm cheering for you from afar as you run :) You're amazing and inspirational, and I hope you make your goal this time around! <3